Words to Live By--in Special .Gif Form!--and Some Stuff to Do

Johnny enjoys (?)some sushi in Japan.
I love that the box next to him says "Chanel"...
OK, so I figured out what's wrong besides the fact that my new computer and I are still not speaking and Johnny is in Japan and I'm not. Actually I'm really happy for him to be in Japan, because he's happy to be there, and the Japanese treat him like royalty. Which is as it should be.

But in the meantime we
You have read this article BGJW / I can quit any time I want as if that would ever happen / is there some kind of methadone-equivalent for this or should I just make do with chocolate / Johnny Weir / why is it called a Mook Book with the title Words to Live By--in Special .Gif Form!--and Some Stuff to Do. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/07/words-to-live-by-in-special-gif-form.html?m=0. Thanks!