Just for Fun

I was tagged by the lovely and beautiful Lena over at Quality Rivets to answer a few questions about myself. So here goes!

1.  What do you do?

      For a living I am a Buyer for a company that caters to the oil industry. I also do some acting here and there in commercials, movies and television and I teach Pilates once a week during the school year.

2.  What did you name your blog and why?

      Marie a la Mode. Mode means "a particular form, variety, or manner. Example: a mode of expression." This blog is my mode of expression. Also, I liked the alliteration of the two "M"'s : ).

3.   Why did you start blogging?

      Well I love writing, fashion, art, photography, beauty products/cosmetics and entertainment and I wanted a creative outlet to share my passions, inspirations and opinions with others so I created this blog to do so. I read many inspiring blogs for about two years before I had the courage to say, "I can do that!" and started my own.

4.   Whose closet would you raid?

      Oh my. To name a few: Rachel Bilson's, Nicole Richie's, Sienna Miller's, Clemence Poesy's, Jessica Alba's and Alexa Chung's. They all have amazing style and I'm sure their wardrobes would be nothing short of amazing!

5.   What trend are you loving right now?

       Body chains like the ones below:


6.   Where do you like to shop?

      H & M, Zara, F21, Winners, Aldo, thrift stores and Sephora and MAC for cosmetics.

7.   Are you an impulsive buyer or not?

      So not. I'm pretty smart with my money. Plus I have a mortgage to pay on my own so I can't afford to buy on impulse!

8.   How has your style evolved over the last few years?

      Well 5 years ago when I was teaching Pilates classes pretty much full-time I practically lived in my lululemon pants and tank tops and I never wore heels! That has since changed (thank goodness) and I love experimenting with the latest trends in fashion or wearing something that may not be trendy at the moment but suits my body and style, something I feel good in. I realize you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on a great outfit, either.

      P.S. I wear heels now ; )

I tag: