Oh Jack White How I Love Thee

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*via fashion gone rogue

I was so stoked to come across a photo spread Annie Liebowitz shot for the June edition of Amercian Vogue featuring my favorite musician Jack White and his beautiful wife, model/musician Karen Elson. When I saw the White Stripes in concert a few years ago with my boyfriend I secretly wished I could play the guitar like Jack. Or just play the guitar period! And I secretly wish I had fiery red hair and porcelain skin like Mrs. Jack White. Oh, and  I just heard that him and Jay Z recently collaborated on a record together! I bet it's AMAZING.

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It's That Time!

*photo from heatworld

Happy Friday everyone! I can't wait - in about 10 hours I will be with my (very pregnant) BFF, relaxing in a big comfy chair in a huge movie theatre with gazillions of other females (and perhaps a few gentlemen as well), popcorn on my lap, diet coke in hand, watching Sex & the City 2! And I'll be doing it in style wearing my new Marc Fisher Carnie wedges I scooped up from Winners yesterday. I can't wait to show you them. Have a great weekend!

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Mary Kate

photos: Terry Richardson

When I was 9 or 10 I wrote a fan letter to the character "Michelle" on the T.V. show Full House. She sent me back a black and white photo-postcard with her name on it. It was a picture of either Ashley or Mary Kate (remember Michelle was only one person!) holding a couple of puppies when she was maybe three years old. I still have it somewhere....I will have to search for it so I can post it! Anyways, who knew the pint-sized twins that played "Michelle" and uttered "you got it dude!"almost every episode on Full House would grow up to be such beautiful and successful clothing designers and business women, not to mention style icons? I found some candid shots of one half of the empire that is The Olsen's, Mary Kate, that I thought I'd share with you.

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"Addictive" Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It ...

Hey there sugar baby
Saw you twice at the pop show
You taste just like glitter
Mixed with rock and roll
I like you a lot lot
Think you're really hot hot ...
(Boys Boys Boys by Lady Gaga)
So I'm sitting here purring and just feeling so empowered by this whole voting thing. A few simple taps on my keyboard, and my preference for Johnny Weir as NewNowNext's "Most Addictive Reality Star" is shot out
You have read this article Betty White / I don’t want a John-tervention / Johnny Weir / like Deb I lost what little sanity I had the first time I saw him skate / OMGaga is my new fav expression / to sleep perchance to tweet with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/doesn-even-begin-to-cover-it.html. Thanks!


I'm proud to be different. It's the best thing about me.--Kurt Hummel, Glee
So I am late to the Glee party, but the minute Johnny tweeted that he was excited about its spring premiere some weeks ago, I immediately had to get on board. And wow. I am so glad I did. What a treasure of a show! Brilliant dialogue, fabulous singing, three-dimensional characters, and some of the wittiest writing ever.

You have read this article Glee / he absolutely loves his peonies / Johnny Weir / other people's lives and loves aren't about me and I'm good with that / they should speak at churches also which is where a lot of this BS lives with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/glee-full.html. Thanks!

For the Love

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This past weekend I had a couple of outfits I had planned on taking pictures of outside however the weather gods decided it should be rainy, cloudy, depressing, and cold for our Victoria Day long weekend. This wasn't a surprise by any means but I was hoping the weatherman would be wrong. He wasn't. Damn. So I decided to share an old outfit of mine I posted awhile back on Chictopia. Note these were taken by my old camera so the quality isn't the greatest. Basically this hoodie is all I wore this weekend, with sweatpants and warm, fuzzy socks. (And underthings of course!) I know a lot of people think hoodies are not very fashionable but I think the headphone detail on the hood is quite unique and bad-ass and because of this I think it just may make it into the "somewhat fashionable" category ; ) And it's supercomfy and warm to boot!

Oh, and thank you Naomi for informing me Michelle Williams was wearing SUNA in my post below, at Cannes.

men's sweatshirt - Sugar and Bruno
leggings - Smart Set
shoes - Payless Shoes

You have read this article Outfit Posts with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/for-love.html. Thanks!

Brief Musings on Sex and the [Insert the Johnny-licious Noun of Your Choice Here]

Johnny says he spends 83% of his time naked!All those in favor of the Facebook fans taking turnsin a rotating unpaid internship with either Joey Camasta or Eric Alt, say "OMG I DIE!"
So Johnny attended the premiere of Sex and the City 2 last night in NYC, and he was kind enough to allow the process of getting ready, as orchestrated by the Beauty Bears, Joey Camasta of MAC Cosmetics and Eric Alt
You have read this article Beauty Bears / Eric Alt / he's gorgeous in anything everything and nothing / Joey Camasta / Johnny Weir / Robin I couldn't think of any other witty labels because I hit my head during the fainting scene with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/brief-musings-on-sex-and-insert-johnny.html. Thanks!

Happy Birthday!

This post is totally unrelated to what I normally post on my blog but today is a special day. It's my nephew Kayden's 2nd Birthday! This little guy is such a huge part of my life. This is super-cliche but my world really did become a brighter place when he entered the world two years ago. He brings me so much joy and makes me laugh so hard, he truly is a little angel. Happy Birthday, buddy!
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NewNowNext Awards Update: Johnny's Kittens Are Rocking the Vote!!

 "Hey! You've been tweeting #realityWEIRover and over for me? Thanks!I'll be right over with these roses!"
Oh, just look at him. And not just there. Look here. And here. And especially here. Now how could we not vote repeatedly for Johnny to win the NewNowNext "Most Addictive Reality Star" award? Obviously the answer is: We couldn't. It's physically impossible to stop ourselves from doing just
You have read this article #realityWEIR / I'm addicted to voting for Johnny / if Evan wins DWTS it will create a black hole of vapidity from which we may never escape / imagine if we could vote for JWe for president / Johnny Weir with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/newnownext-awards-update-johnny-kittens.html. Thanks!

I Can't Evan Leave It Alone and Now I'm All .Gif-Happy

PLEASE VOTE HERE for Johnny to win
the 2010 Readers' Choice Skater of the Year Award!
And please keep voting for Johnny
as "Most Addictive Reality Star"
in the NewNowNext Awards! Vote here
(he's the last one listed in the fifth category--scroll down!)
or on Twitter by constantly tweeting #realityWEIR.

Voting ends June 4, which gives us plenty of time

to get Johnny oh, say, ONE
You have read this article England or New England? / globes are inexpensive / I love it when Johnny laughs / isn't Atlanta the capital of the Republic of Georgia? / seriously? / South Africa or South Dakota? with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/i-can-evan-leave-it-alone-and-now-i-all.html. Thanks!

Big News!

Yes, it's big news:Johnny Confirms a Second Season of BGJW!(Also: Evan Needs Geography and Music Lessons)
So a bunch of us JWe fans were hanging out on his Facebook page Friday night because we have no lives since we willingly gave them up when this damn prancing ice god skated into them and now he's got bows in his hair for chrissakes so we are even more completely under his spell, and then this
You have read this article BGJW / feed us more twitpics or your kittens will starve / Glee / I can't Evan type his name as a label / Johnny Weir / OMG I DIE pretty much yes / Viacheslav please give us more wisdom inspiration with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/big-news.html. Thanks!

Buns & Braids

Do buns or braids ever go out of style? They're certainly hot for Spring/Summer, especially when the temperature starts to rise and all you want to do is Get. Your. Hair.outofyourface. When I was a dancer I almost always had to wear my hair in either a bun with a hair net with 15 or so bobby pins poking into my scalp (ouch, Mom!) or french braids that I learned how to do on my own (to eliminate the ouch factor caused by said mom) when I was 8. I continue to put my hair up in a bun (sans bobby pins) on lazy days. Not an elegant updo but more like a messy, takes-me-three-seconds-to-do-up-do but I haven't expanded my braid repertoire beyond one or two plain-Jane french braids and/or a side braid. Here is my collection of photos that have me inspired to try something new. Are you inspired, too?

I love the thickness of her braid

Classic. Elegant.

Bad hair day be gone!

Milkmaid braids

Alexandra Richards rocks the pigtails

Just enough twist

Sabo Skirt

Lovely Rachel McAdams

At Alexander Wang

And of course Miss SJP.

Carrie loves her buns. Just being cheeky ; ) Love her shoes in the last pic! Who is counting down the days until SATC 2 comes out? Can't wait!

via fashionising, suite101, mesmerizingwoman, the sartorialist, thingsweheart, instyle, bellasugar, saboskirt, people, fashionising, celebrity salon, total beauty, style bistro
You have read this article Hair with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/buns-braids.html. Thanks!

The Week in Twit-Speak: Lol Wut? * Facepalm * Headdesk * OMGWTFBBQ * Epic Fail

Photo from the now slightly infamous
"Behind the scenes at Miss USA" blog post
(click for a larger view).
I'm still loving this ostrich-tatious bolero on him.Wanna know the quote I'd love to see here?Please PM me and I'll send you the link to a perfect
though slightly scratchy five-second Johnny audio clip! :)Which you can then load onto your iPod
and thus listen to his beautiful voice over and
You have read this article everyone has nipples / honk if your life sucked this week but hey you still have a car / Johnny should guest star on Glee / Johnny Weir / would it be too much to want chocolate in the shape of Johnny with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/the-week-in-twit-speak-lol-wut-facepalm.html. Thanks!

This Stuff Really Works

I admit it. I bite my nails. It's a bad bad habit, I know. In the past, to prevent me from destroying my nails I would run over to the nail salon for fakes, hoping that this would solve my problem. It worked but it got so damn expensive that I had to come up with a different solution. That's when I met OPI's Nail Envy and my own Willpower (yes, capitalized). This natural nail strengthener has turned my soft, brittle nails into harder, stronger and longer nails. This polish contains wheat protein and calcium which helps prevent breaking, splitting and peeling. Now that my nails no longer look like a war zone I am less likely to chew them. This polish is expensive at approximately $28.00 a pop but it's so worth it. I purchased mine at the nail salon but I believe you can get this at Trade Secrets and/or any other beauty supply store. It comes complete with directions and you only have to apply it every other day. For more information click here.

You have read this article Cosmetic Reviews with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/this-stuff-really-works.html. Thanks!

Michelle Williams at Cannes

Here's Michelle Williams at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival for her premiere with Ryan Gosling of their new movie "Blue Valentine." I just LOVE her grey, sparkly, ruche-sleeved dress and her cream and beige colored wedges! And her bleached-blonde pixie cut! Her accessory - Ryan Gosling - is kinda cute, too ; ). I searched the internet high and dry to find out who she's wearing but so far no luck! I'm sure in a couple of days we'll know and I'll relay the info to my lovely readers : ).

You have read this article Celebrities and Entertainment with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/michelle-williams-at-cannes.html. Thanks!

I Want to Know

Would you...

Wear these Roseanne Bergsma shoes??? They are certainly very unique. I'm not sure how comfortable they'd be, I think I'd feel like big foot wearing them. I'd certainly make a statement though. What do you think?

via paperdoll.com

You have read this article fashion with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/i-want-to-know.html. Thanks!

And the Winner Is....

So I TiVo'd the Miss USA pageant and was able to watch the whole thing in under ten minutes because of course all I cared about were the Johnny moments, of which there were really only three of note that I saw: His introduction as a judge, his question to Miss Colorado, and a brief moment caught on camera toward the end of the program.

Let's begin by announcing that Johnny was the immediate and
You have read this article Donald pls skip the hairspray and spend the money on Johnny's show / I hate mushrooms / Johnny in giant rainbow-inspired feathery stuff makes me happy / Johnny Weir / loved the 2nd outfit also / Miss USA with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/and-winner-is.html. Thanks!

And Now for the Interview Portion of Our Pageant...

Weirlandia's King Johnny enjoys a patriotic photo opwith the very first Miss America,Margaret Gorman, the 1921 pageant winnerwho rocked some serious headgear à la Lady Gaga.
Interestingly, the Miss USA pageant came into being 30 years after Miss Gorman won that first crown,  when the 1951 Miss America winner, Yolanda Betbeze (I am not making this up) refused to participate in publicity photos
You have read this article Caitlin Upton / Carrie Prejean / Donald make yourself useful and underwrite Johnny's show / I'm still frightened by Donald Trump's hair / Johnny Weir / pageants are ridiculous but Johnny is always riveting with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/and-now-for-interview-portion-of-our.html. Thanks!

The Cat in the Hat


top - thrifted
shorts - Zara
hat and sandals - Army & Navy
sunglasses - H & M
jewelry - random
*cat - birthday gift

I've been wearing this hat a lot, I know. Mostly because I love it but partly because it's great for a bad hair day or to cover up roots that need some major highlights ; ) . I hope everyone is having a great weekend! The sun is shining and the temperature is hot where I am so I am one happy chick ; )

You have read this article Outfit Posts with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/the-cat-in-hat.html. Thanks!

Friday Fluff: There She Is, Miss Weirlandia...

Click on the picture, or click here,to see the contestants!(Click again for a larger view.)
Not only is Johnny judging the Miss USA pageant this year,he's also the one and only judge for Miss Weirlandia,a celebration of free bitches and their beauty, inside and out!Here he is with this year's seven finalists.Please click here or on the picture to see the contestantschosen to represent Weirlandia
You have read this article I don't understand Donald Trump's hair / Johnny Weir / maybe Donald should try a man halo / Miss USA / my contestant name would be Miss Fit / yes pageants are stupid but I'll watch anything Johnny is on with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/05/friday-fluff-there-she-is-miss.html. Thanks!

It's the Weekend. Possibilities are Endless.


  via weheartit

Looking forward to staying up late and sleeping in. Yoga. Movies. Fresh air. Sunshine. Cuddling with the BF. Taking my nephew to the park. A good book. Family. Friends. The simple things in life. ..Enjoy your weekend!

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