The Perfect Red Lipstick

Red lipstick never seems to go out of style and red lips are still hot for Spring. I have tried many a tube of red lipstick, trying to find the perfect hue. The latest one I tried (above) is MAC Red with Redd lip liner and it's not too shabby but it still bleeds a bit so I am still searching for The One. Is there such thing as a perfect red lipstick? What is your favorite? (My photo buddy above is my cat, Prints Whiskerson Sultenfuss The First, aka "Kitty." She's crazy. No, really.)

Here are some ladies who rocked the red

Gwen Stefani

Anne Hathaway

 Marilyn Monroe


Oh, and FYI: While I was googling for pics of Marilyn Monroe I came upon her chest x-rays. They are available on ebay if you're interested ; )