Get Ready

Since my T.V. has been on the fritz and won't be fixed until next week I have only been watching movies on DVD for the past few days. I can now say I have watched "The Devil Wears Prada" more than 10 times and "The Sweetest Thing" at least seven. Not in the same weekend, thank goodness but you know what I mean. Luckily the other day my BFF lent me a bunch of her movies and all of her Sex and the City DVD's. I went through the first and second season in 2 days. Watching these over again has made me even more excited to see SATC 2. I absolutely cannot wait to find out what happens with Aidan and what becomes of Carrie and Mr. Big's relationship. I, personally, am not a fan of Big and never have been. I think Carrie Bradshaw deserves so much more than what he can offer her. (Besides the gigantic shoe closet.) Anyways, I am equally looking forward to seeing all the fabulous outfits Patricia Field put together for the film. It comes out NEXT MONTH! Aieee, I can't wait. Here is a sneak preview of some pics from the set. Enjoy!